Expansions to hormone therapy are coming to BC:
here’s what you need to know.
Through community-led advocacy, gender-affirming hormone therapy coverage, along with reproductive, menopausal, and diabetes coverage will see expansions next spring as part of BC’s new Pharmacare agreement. This is a big win for trans healthcare, & we have much more work to do.
As of now, just three hormone therapy drug types have barrier-free coverage in BC. In April, this number will grow, giving trans women and families more support to pay for what they need, without having to choose between groceries & essential care. While coverage details are yet to be announced beyond progesterone and estradiol, we continue to urge that medications supporting the health and well-being of trans & nonbinary people are made available comprehensively & without exclusions.
Trans & nonbinary people rely on these therapies to live healthy lives, participate in their communities, & stay safe from gender-based violence. Although we celebrate this win, we’re vigilant that gender-affirming health care, reproductive rights, and trans youth are still under attack.
We’re at a frightening crossroads.
Evidence shows that the recent wave of Conservative anti-trans policies, including legislation proposed in Alberta, will put the lives of trans youth in danger. BC is no exception. Parties on the right look to exploit fear and ignorance to take housing, healthcare, & human rights away from our communities.
Queer & trans people need to show up for each other, our futures, & our kids.
Get involved. We need to hold our politicians accountable.